Tera - Sorcerer Ebon Tower (solo)再生回数:35236 公開日:2013/02/28 [ YouTubeで見る ]Weapon: swift + 3x hunter for normal mobs / focused + 3x mutinous for bosses |
Weapon: swift + 3x hunter for normal mobs / focused + 3x mutinous for bosses
Armor: fleetfoot + 3x stalwart for normal mobs / 4x anarchic for bosses
Potions: Healing Potion VIII / Ranger’s Nostrum V / Combat Panacea / Speed Potion
Scroll: Scroll of Savagery V
Charms: Power、 Enduring、 Infused
Gear doesn’t really matter as long you have a t14 +12 weapon with good rolls、 priest buffs and know how to dodge.
再生回数:35236 公開日:2013/02/28 [ YouTubeで見る ]
In deze prachtige video laten wij wat mooie beelden van de game Tera zien.
De game is sins 5 febuari gratis downloaden op deze site:
再生回数:5760 公開日:2013/02/14 [ YouTubeで見る ]
Kevin VanOrd leaves tab targeting behind in this video review for Tera.
再生回数:114957 公開日:2012/05/16 [ YouTubeで見る ]
”Live a life of risk. Leave a trail of bodies.”
Our first installment of TERA’s race video series kicks things off with the castanic race. TERA is coming to North America on May 1、 2012!
再生回数:235930 公開日:2012/03/02 [ YouTubeで見る ]
再生回数:2768 公開日:2014/03/12 [ YouTubeで見る ]
再生回数:5350 公開日:2013/10/11 [ YouTubeで見る ]
The first BAM you will encounter in the tutorial area. Your character will start at level 50 and by the time you finish the tutorial missions、 your character will be level 58! One of the things that I noticed with this class is that if you were to cancel the skill animation early、 the skill does not land. For example、 when I was using the ”4” skill in this video.
再生回数:112467 公開日:2014/01/14 [ YouTubeで見る ]
武器 煌輝凱帝の双剣+12
服 シャンドラ・マナイアの疾斬服+12
小手 煌輝凱帝の小手+12
足 繚乱白磁の足+12
インナー 精神のリッチシルクインナーⅡ
耳 麗輝の耳飾りx2
首 麗輝の指輪x2
指 翠魔石の指輪・深斬x2
再生回数:1197 公開日:2014/03/25 [ YouTubeで見る ]
再生回数:86448 公開日:2012/09/28 [ YouTubeで見る ]
Published by NHN Japan Corp.
Copyright c BlueholeStudio Inc. All right reserved.
再生回数:1612 公開日:2013/08/30 [ YouTubeで見る ]
TERA: The Exiled Realm of Arborea is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) where you battle epic wars and protect your kingdom from demise. TERA is developed to bring you thrills never experienced before in traditional MMOs with its action-filled gameplay and riveting visuals.
再生回数:540737 公開日:2011/01/25 [ YouTubeで見る ]
Yop tous le monde !
Et voici.. la premi鑽e vid駮 d’une looooooongue s駻ie sur Tera !!
Donc la j’ai prit une Soso、 ( Mage ) pour notre aventure suivi et donc... je penses que sa va roxx !!
Je pousse mon petit coup de G、 parce que sa m’駭erve... a vous de voir ce qu’il se passe、
再生回数:6237 公開日:2013/01/18 [ YouTubeで見る ]
再生回数:2339 公開日:2014/04/18 [ YouTubeで見る ]
Highlights from the Lumbertown Invasion Event from Fraya Server on 4/12. My thanks goes out to Gameforge and to all the players in this video. Please enjoy!
To get an idea of what’s happening、 imagine Nexus but in Lumbertown (a Level 11 zone). And instead of the usual mobs、 they’re replaced with Nightmare Hard Mode dungeon bosses!
I had a fun time at this event. I didn’t know what to expect but I ended up seeing some crazy things towards the end of the video.
Music (from the TERA Soundtrack)
Woodland Trails
March to Freedom
Blood and Triumph
By Oriyn’s Light
Copyright belongs to their respectful owners.
Event: Fight against the Argon invasion with all you’ve got!
Adventurer! The Valkyon Federation desperately needs your help in Lumbertown. We have just been informed about an invasion of the Argons and are going to march there together to hit back as quickly as we can.
Now it’s your turn、 brave warriors! Are you ready to throw yourself into the battle with dozens of other players and face opponents such as Nightmare Shandra Manaya and Nighmare Meldita? Regenerate your mana、 sharpen your blades and get ready for the monsters in Lumbertown!
When will this event start?
According to our spies’ reports、 the attack of the Argons will take place in the first week of December:
- On Tuesday、 3rd of December 2013 from 4 to 6 PM
- On the servers Ishara、 Zuras、 Balder and Zenobia
- On Wednesday、 4th of December 2013 from 4 to 6 PM
- On the servers Fraya、 Arcadia、 Kaidun and Elinu
- On Thursday、 5th of December 2013 from 4 to 6 PM
- On the servers Killian、 Veritas、 Hasmina and Akasha
What needs to be taken into account during these events?
The following hints are written on the flyers that are given out to all adventurers:
- Caution! Please remove all crystals that you have embedded in your equipment. For the Argons are serious opponents、 who will hit hard and know no mercy. Don’t risk having your crystals broken!
- A large part of the attackers will be very experienced. So you should only face them if you have already reached level 60. From time to time we will expect monsters of lower levels to come out、 who can also be defeated by adventures that are still in training.
- Rontin and Linkin、 two noble Clerics of Restoration have also been called to give you some strong support. Please see them when you want to regenerate Health、 MP or Stamina.
- The best fight tactic is to fight in groups of up to 20 players. Confederate with others in Lumbertown before joining the battle and facing the Argons together!
- The event will be held by two GMs per server. If you have problems in the game that have nothing to do with the event、 please don’t whisper to the GMs、 write a support ticket instead.
Will the monsters also drop items?
Most infiltrators will go into battle without baggage so that they can attack silently and more quickly. However、 some dragons will carry battle weapons with them. The group that inflicts the most damage on the dragon、 can loot the following items:
- Various crystals
- T14 weapons and armour
- Refined Alkahest and Masterwork Alkahest
- Master Enigmatic Scroll
- Crystalbinds
- Gold
In addition to these items、 every adventurer that takes part in the battle will have a box sent to them in the post、 which may contain a crystal or a charm.
再生回数:38979 公開日:2013/12/06 [ YouTubeで見る ]
再生回数:19266 公開日:2013/03/23 [ YouTubeで見る ]
武器:カシュバル 防具ファンデル
使った消耗品:獅子王の秘薬V1個 クリダメ書V1個
再生回数:977 公開日:2014/05/08 [ YouTubeで見る ]
ゆわランス : 全身アフロ
咲夜リパ : 武器カシュ 胴体手アフロテ 足カシュ
Cryリパ : 全身カシュ
へいどんヲリ: 武器アフロテ 腕キラキラ 胴体足カシュ
KiRAプリ : 武器キラキラ 胴体アフロ 腕足ファンデル
再生回数:4531 公開日:2014/05/02 [ YouTubeで見る ]
Очередной стрим приключений Alioth’а и гильдии Force в TERA. На этот раз мы попробуем пройти данж Abscess (Hard mode) с единственной русской пачкой в мире、 которой это удается. А затем повоюем на обновленном баттлграунде Corsairs’ Stronghold и расскажем、 что же там изменилось.
再生回数:4712 公開日:2014/09/08 [ YouTubeで見る ]